To book your Butchery Experience please use the booking system below:
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Lamb Butchery Experience
This involves a head to toe butchery lesson of a Manx Laughton Lamb. You will be shown how to remove the legs, shoulders, loin and best end as well as French trimming and boning and rolling a shoulder. Our Lamb Experience is a comprehensive lesson in butchering and preparing lamb to be eaten with some quizzes and banter thrown in for good measure.
You will get to take home a boneless rolled lamb joint or rack of french trimmed best end that you will prepare yourself. There will be an opportunity to purchase half the lamb for £100 extra (RRP £150)
During the event you will be fed and watered (Lamb ciabatta and a glass of blanc)
Price: £130 per person
Beef Butchery Experience
This involves the demonstration and explanation of breaking down a fore quarter of beef. You will be shown all the cuts of meat that can be obtained from the fore quarter and you will get a chance to debone beef and learn which cuts are good for different purposes such as frying, slow cooking, stews etc...
You will get to keep a kilogram of beef mince, a kilogram of diced beef and a kilogram of shin produced themselves.
During the event you will be fed and watered! (Steak Sandwich and glass of wine)
Price: £130 per person